Ease Into Investing
Investing can be overwhelming and confusing. The Investing Accelerator will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make confident decisions.
Become an Investor who’s


Ease Into Investing
Investing can be overwhelming and confusing. The Investing Accelerator will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make confident decisions.
Become an Investor who’s


tools to guide you along the way to
Grow confidently in your financial journey
A virtual learning experience
Starting With the Basics
There are many directions you can take when it comes to investing. Over 10 weeks, you will begin to expand your understanding of familiar and new investment practices.
A community for support
A Space Meant for You
Before, there weren’t many spaces where women could ask questions or get proper guidance. With a small coaching group and exclusive Facebook group, get support like never before.
A guide to dig deeper
Guidance & Resources
With 1:1 office hours and small group coaching, this course will help you to navigate concerns and demystify concepts with your coach.
Many women lead in making their own financial decisions. 

When it comes to investing, there are some gaps
that need to be filled.
less than the average White man - is the amount of wealth an average Black woman owns.
less likely to inherit assets are Black women compared to their counterparts.
is the average net wealth of a Black household compared to $240,000 of the average White household.
of women wish they
invested more money.
of assets controlled by women are cash and are not invested funds.
less than men - is how much women invest despite earning more than previous generations.
Are you ready to invest your time to become more strategic?
designed to help you
Get closer to your investing goals
Live Coaching
Exclusive Facebook Community
Weekly Online
Swag Bag
Elevate your knowledge on topics including:
Stocks, Index Funds,
Mutual Funds
Real Estate
Investment Trusts
Introduction to Cryptocurrency
Intro to
The Investing Accelerator is for women who are

ready to take ownership over their investments and finances. 

With you in mind, we have strategically priced two payment options for enrollment in this course:
Pay in Full
1 installment of
paid upon enrollment
Pay in Full
be empowered to
Create Generational wealth
Here's what people are saying:
Jenell B. Stewart
Brand Coach
meet the woman
Behind The
Investing Accelerator
Finance Expert Bella Jones
With over 16 years of expertise in Finance, Bella Jones is empowering women to take ownership over their investment journey. She holds specialties  in financial planning and analysis, revenue forecasting, and credit building. Bella has helped over 400 women pivot in their financial journey through her online courses, coaching, and other educational offerings.

Growing your knowledge in investing is not about relying on the word of family, friends, or media; it’s about learning the concepts and applying them to your life. Through the Investing Accelerator program, you will begin to understand various topics that will allow you to feel confident in making stronger investment decisions.
Feel secure in your journey with:
Office Hours
for Help
Sessions for
Investing doesn’t have to be unattainable.
Let us make it understandable for you
to use effectively in your lifestyle.
Hear from previous students about the course:
do you have questions?
We have answers.
Allow yourself to experience financial growth by pursuing The Investing Accelerator.